
What is Revelation?


The final book of the Holy Bible. Revelation talks about "what must soon take place". The Book of Revelations, as its full-name is called, talks about the end of the world, Armageddon, the end of history, and how humankind will be able to live in eternal grace of Heaven in the afterlife, and how Satan will one day be thrown into a river of utter torment for eternity.

Because of modern-day circumstances, and popular portrayal, Revelation is what you make of it. The end of the world differs from all minds, and there are different perceptions as a result.

"Revelation is my personal favorite book of the Bible."


See Dave


Term sometimes used to discount the importance of human attachment to the worldly (i.e. physical, mental, social.) Where something is lacking spiritual substance or some element of "goodness", it is said to lack revelation. Relates to the final book of the Holy Bible, where all will be "revealed in time."

"My boss makes me work 60 hours a week. He's a slave driver - all he gives a shit is about making money, and leasing a new Beamer every 6 months."

"Where's the revelation?"


an act of revelry or partying, not of revealing.

In the book The Great Gatspy there were many loud revelation. The Beast in Revelation is the ancient god of wine in the city of Babylon.

See synonym, revelry, party, revel


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