What is Revolting?
Something that is so overboard obnoxious and or atrocious that makes it cool/awesome/nice, but you'd clearly have to have an open mind.
The vomit green dress, sparkling with sequined dolphins was not considered 'cool' to the close minded, but I tried it on, and I found it rather revolting, so I purchased it.
volting again, to volt again. hideous was its meaning, nasty, so thanks to slangdefine we can refine, and figure better, like that other entry on this page somewhat.
in the act of had that person decided to revolt, to take over the government, to free the slaves.
The slaves did not know or want to feel depressed addressed as slaves, so the very person who was revolting for their freedom, such as with Jesus before TV and stuff, the authority figures barbarians whatever, had only our wordings, our monkey babble to try to contort to keep control. Jesus was considered revolting and so got nailed to the cross. Now with music and stuff like that, we may not only slang our own way, but refine when the real wise one comes and the others follow, then we can solve our problems, knowing that
pro-choice meanspro-life for example, or else until then they fail to solve the abortion problem most logically underpro-death conspiracy. Revolting how that is, runs the risk of getting nuked just to stop abortions, the big abortion.
Revolting how that dumbass thinks he's the Lord, editting over a dozen times, still mistaking his omega for alpha, revolting how clogged up of tar head assumptions the
marijuana is here anyway, the only valid one reminds you eat your vegetables, all the other bs doesn't even really belong.