What is Rhyming Slang?
1) The use of a rhyming word in the place of the original word to obscure the meaning.
2)The chaotic blur that is the soul of the Cockney dialect.
"Take a butcher's" (butcher's hook = look)
Daisies (shoes) (daisy roots = boots).
"She's a pretty twist" (twist and twirl = girl)
"He's ginger" (ginger beer = queer / homosexual. Derogatory unless uttered by fellow travellers)
"I took the lift to the apples"(apples and pears = upstairs, though not even pensioners use that phrase anymore)
Generally rhyming slang is a load of old
Whoa rhyming slang makes no sense!
prunes (syrup of)=wig
apples and pears=stairs
busy bee=general theory of relativity