What is Rice Nigger?
Derogatory slang term for a Chinese, or other Asian person, especially applied to those assholes that beat you in video games or school marks.
Used in a similar way to
You rice nigger, put down that damn sniper rifle and fight like a man!
A derogatory term reserved for those of South-East Asian heritage. Generally refers to Pacific Islanders. Does not generally refer to any and all Asians; those of Japanese, Korean, or Chinese ancestry/heritage are generally not known as such.
"Flips are fucking rice niggers!"
a chinse or any person of asian orgin or somebody with slanted eyes, you know how they eat rice with every meal n have tinted skin... hence the name rice nigger
Yo Billy look at that rice nigger eating with those chop sticks over there.
Yo Billy look at that rice nigger eating with those chop sticks over there.