Riddle Dick

What is Riddle Dick?


A Riddle Dick is any guy attending Embry Riddle that believes he is undeniably the most wonderful person walking on earth due to his status as a pilot or supergenius engineer.

Riddle Dick's often use cheesy pickup lines, wear large pilot sunglasses, pop their collars, and will shun any woman they mistook as an easy Riddle Chick.

AKA douche bag

Riddle Dick: Hey baby, I'm a pilot at Embry Riddle. Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew...

Normal Girl: (rolls eyes and walks away)

Riddle Dick to friend: What a bitch! I should tell everyone she works on the corner of Ridgewood and participated in the donkey show.

See asshole, douche bag, riddle vision, prick


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