What is Riddle Vision?
A widespread and contagious ailment found in male students attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. This illness is more apparent in the Prescott, Arizona campus. The condition usually starts at the moment the male student steps foot on campus. The interpretation and standards regarding the physical attractiveness in women drops dramatically, causing every female individual to be “hot”, “cute”, "good looking", or "not bad".
For example, prior to “Riddle Vision”, a female is rated 5/10 in attractiveness. When “Riddle Vision” is present, the same female is rated 10/10. This condition explains the reasoning why all Embry-Riddle male students are extremely horny and ERAU female students take full advantage of this by using extreme
"Dude, I think Barbara Streisand is so freakin' hot. I have an extreme case of Riddle Vision."
Main Entry: 1rid•dle 1vi•sion
Pronunciation: 'ri-d&l 'vi-zh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin vision-, visio, from vidEre to see -- more at WIT; Middle English redels, ridel, from Old English r
1 a : the act or power of seeing attractiveness which is not present in reality : SIGHT b : the special sense by which the qualities of an object (as hotness, personality, weight and size) constituting its appearance are skewed and improperly perceived by the eye as desirable (without the aid of alcohol)
2 a : something seen, but not as it really is b : a lovely or charming sight by default from lack of comparable females
Riddle Student: "Dude, see that hot chick at Chartwells today?"
Regular college student: "I thought that was a guy."
The idea that horribly ugly woman become attractive or "doable" after being around them for a number of months. This is extremely prevalent at Embry-Riddle University.
I had a girlfriend at school, but I didnt realize she was ugly until I went home for Christmas because of Riddle Vision!
A disease that runs rampant at
Damn, that chunky, greasy girl is looking hot as fuck. Wait a second. I must have.... *GASP* RIDDLE VISION!
Campus television channel broadcasted within Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Prescott, Arizona.
"Were you watching Riddle Vision last night?! They had a movie that had lots of
boobies !"