
What is Ridic?


Abbreviation for ridiculous

"Those shoes are ridic."


Invented as a response to the wholly needless shortening of hilarious to hilar.

Ben: "That's totally hilar!"

Alex: "Stop saying hilar. It's ridic."

See ridiculous, annoying, absurd, pointless, ridiculosity


ridiculous pathetic, foolish, absurd

that's so ridic

See pathetic, foolish, dumb, stupid


an abbreviation of ridiculous (pronounced 'ree-dick')

"Nancy has a ridic amount of hair."

See ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, outlandish, preposterous


abreviation for ridiculous, best way to call someone a dick subtly

"you're RIDIC"

"you're a dick"

sounds the same

See ridiculous, ridick, ludic, ludicrous, ghetto fabulous


1) to have sex again after the first time around; up for round two

2) shortened way to say ridiculous

1) That was a fantastic night; ridic me.

2) That ugly jacket she is wearing looks ridic.

See ridiculous, weird, sex, odd, ugly


The proper (and more efficient) way to say the word "ridiculous."

Dave: What'd you think of that basketball game?

Roy: Those were some ridic dunks

See ridiculous, key, yeyeah, stokes


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