
What is Ridicurous?


How DONNA CHENGstein mispronounced 'ridiculous' on the greatest sitcom ever, Seinfeld. It wasn't Elaine and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking so.

Donna: This is really getting ridicurous!

Jerry: ..........Did you say 'ridicurous'?

Donna: Ridiculous!

jerry: I thought you said... 'ridicurous'...

See jerry, donna, elaine, rines, crossed, seinfeld


A way to say "ridiculous" in a humorous (yeah, right) manner

Hey, did you see Jenny fall down?! HAH, That was ridicurous.


How Elaine mispronounced "Ridiculous" on the greatest sitcom ever, Seinfeld.

Elaine: "Its ridicurous!"

Jerry: " . . .Did you just say ridicurous?"

See ridiculous, seinfeld, cock


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