
What is Rifle?


what i have in my trunk

M-16, Ak-47, Ar-15, and many others

See andrew


The grooves cut inside a barrel of a gun to spin the bullet as moves through it.

spinning improves accuracy


v. to cut or manufacture spiraling grooves - most often times inside the barrel of a gun or small arm

n. any small arm that features rifling inside its barrel

Note: Science fiction often mistakenly refers to some portable LASER weapons as "rifles" or "laser rifles". Unless the weapon features rifling (which is unlikely and useless to a laser), then these terms are incorrect.

Also see: rifling

"Gunsmiths first began to rifle muskets in Europe."

See rifling, gun, cannon, artillery, weapon


The radio call given by military pilots when a AGM-65 Maverick is fired.



the backseat of a car, behind "shotgun" (the front passenger seat), or possibly behind "AK-47" (the driver's seat).


"duuuuuuuuude no."

"yes bitch. you get rifle."

"ugh, fine."

See shotgun, ak-47, cobain, backseat, car


A mean little peice of equipment used in colorguard

man that bitch hit me with her rifle yesterday!

dude i totally threw that rifle and it came flying at me!

See Paige


To have sex or intercourse with a girl

I`m gonna rifle her drawers.

I rifled her last night. She was good.

See shag, scuttle, screw, nail, rag


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