Rip Ass

What is Rip Ass?


v. To forcefully fart, usu. loudly

'Dude, did you just rip ass?'


to pass gas from ones ass

eew man somthing smells rank. did you just rip ass!

See jess


Verb description: to secrete methane gas from the anal cavity in large enough portions to tear the ass hole.

"Oh man, I've had the worst gas all morning, I think I might rip ass."

See rip ass, fart, ass, anal, gas


What the fat kid in the back row does when he passes colon air through his anus in the middle of class.

Holy shit! Did Rob just rip ass?

See JP


to fart so bad, u can actually feel the ripping of your colon shredding away. can also mean a really loud fat.

"holy crap" (fart)

"dude that was some major rip ass"

See fart, kill, a, bear, bust, grumpy


To develop an anal fissure, usually as a result of eating spicy food

Ah man, this Mexicana is really good... but I'ma rip ass tomorrow when it comes out...


A fart or discharge of fecal matter so brutal it feels like you ripped your ass.

The Jack in the Box on 4th st. being as good as it is makes me rip ass.

See ripping ass, farting, shitting, sharting, pooping


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