
What is Riser?


There are many proper definitions for the word riser.

As a noun.

1. A person who rises, esp. from bed: to be an early riser.

2. The vertical face of a stair step.

3. Any of a group of long boards or narrow platforms that can be combined in stepwise fashion: The choir stood on a horseshoe of risers behind the orchestra.

4. A vertical pipe, duct, or conduit.

5. Metallurgy. a chamber or enlarged opening at the top of a mold for allowing air to escape or adding extra metal.

As a adjective.

1. Advancing, ascending, or mounting.

2. Growing or advancing to adult years.

As an adverb.

1. Somewhat more than.

2. In approach of; almost; well-nigh.

Example for #3 as a noun: The choir stood on a horseshoe of risers behind the orchestra.

Example for #1 as a adjective: Rising smoke.

Examples for #1 & #2 as a adverb are below.

#1: The crop came to rising 6000 bushels.

#2: A lad rising sixteen.

See rise, vertical, pipe


the spontaniuous rising of the penis, due usually to sexual arousment

When she leaned in to kiss him, she felt his riser against her leg.


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