What is Rm -rf /?
Finest compression avaliable under UNIX/Linux! Unfortunatly, there is no decompressor avaliable.
Command issued on unix systems to remove a directory. If nothing is added after the final slash (/) it will remove the root filesystem. Although, many systems now have protection in place which will report back and say 'rm of / is not allowed' or similar. The command can only be issued by the
Friend 1: My hard disk is full.
Friend 2: Type 'rm -rf /'. Its the best compression avaliable *evil-grin*.
Friend 1: Its doing it now, the hard disk is running.
Probably the most popular
new_linux_user: How can I install an .rpm?
arrogant_guru: rm -rf /
*the newbie types the command*
*the newbie leaves crying*
Destroying you. Used in *nix to remove all files from root tree. Equalevalent to 'go to fucking hell, bitch'
Joe: Screw you
Me: rm -rf /
rm = remove
-f = all files whether write protected or not without prompting the user for confirmation or writing a message to the console about the file removal.
-r is recursive, which means to repeatedly remove all files until the base case is the only thing left.
There is a whole directory of files you no longer need on your UNIX system. You do not want to remove them one at a time. Use rm -rf/ to remove them all at once.
Read Mail Really Fast
"I have too much spam"
"use rm -rf /, read mail reall fast"