
What is Roark?


A character from Ayn Rand's book The Fountainhead.

...Galt owns Roark like whoa...


noun. The smartest, sexiest man on the internet. Legend holds that he's hung like a Clysdale and smarter than Neal Stephenson.

I wish I could be Roark, but I am not great enough, nor will I ever be.

See Mark


A fart, initiated in a bath tub.

"What was that noise from upstairs?"

"I think Jimmy just roarked."

See fart, farting, bath, tub, bathing


a woman with a bird like voice, usually very annoying and persistant.


See roark, parrot, jesus, juice


Sound made by engineering students at times of extream stress. It is believed that it helps to ease the stresses caused by 5 years of hard work.

Student: Rooooooaaaark Rooooooaaaaark, ah thats better.

See Matt


Main Entry: roark

Pronunciation: r'O'-r K

Function: noun

Etymology: Late Latin roarkillis, from Latin in- + ignoramus, oblivious -- more at 'asshat'

: incapable of accepting free perspectives; to dominate ignorantly; : UNCONQUERABLE

At the Theatre: "Man that conductor was such a Roark. I feel like I've lost my entire conceptual universe."

At the Gas Station: "That mother ****** just roark'd me!"

At the Art Galleria: "I'm not fond of his work. This piece is such a Roark. Tell me Geoffrey, what do you make of the upside down monkeys?"


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