What is Robert?
ROBERT is the #3 most common male name.
3.143% of men in the US are named ROBERT.
Around 3850175 US men are named ROBERT!
ROBERT is the #996 most common female name.
0.008% of females in the US are named ROBERT.
Around 10200 US females are named ROBERT!
ROBERT is the #2533 most common last name.
0.005% of last names in the US are ROBERT.
Around 12500 US last names are ROBERT!
I once was friends with a Robert but we called him Robby back then.
Is a very powerful name. Most CEO's are named Robert, which in return they are usualy wealthy. Parents that name thier child Robert expect them to be very succesful. It is usually seen as the first born son's name. A good match for Robert's are females named Brittany or Nishelle. The names Robert and Brittany together tend to create an everlasting love that will never end.
"CEO of the multi-billion dollar corporation is named Robert and his wife is named Brittany."
The most incredible guy in the universe, end of story. He’s sweet, caring, and truly amazing. He isn’t concerned with himself at all, but instead he’s concerned with other people. He always knows the perfect thing to say and the right time to say it. He takes your breath away and leaves you speechless. And he has a way of making your heart melt like no one else ever will. Robert is so wonderful, it’s almost impossible to find the words to match.
That guy is so
amazing ... He must be a ROBERT.
(n) a rare kind of clown porn available only in Gaelic. now illegal in 129 countries (including Russia), it is the most dangerous porn to shoot on account of Interpol constantly cracking down on the underground rings.
"Oh my God, did you hear about that Robert bust the other night?"
"Yeah man, that was some fucked-up shit."
Everyone always wants to know someone named Bob. Hence a Robert is either a crazy-assed individual with orgasmic sexual skills, but is trying to keep a low cover, or is just some uptight prick.
"Yo, I just fucked Bob last night and it was gre..."
"Hush girl, we're in the office, call him Robert round here."
"Who's that tight arsed, preppy little mamma's boy think he is anyway, some Sir Robert or something?"
A cucumber shaped being who is an expert at satisfying. He brings happiness, joy and excitement to life.
'Wow! I just got a wonderful dose of Robert! I'm set to go!!! ' said Virginia
An Extremly hot guy. Usually with dark hair and dark eyes. Sucks at lying and or acting. is talked about by peers and is often self obsorbed and overly confident.
did you see that hottie, he is such a robert.
oh my gosh a robert was staring at me today.
there were so many suckish roberts at the grammys who didn't win anything.