What is Robert Cooper Disorder?


Robert Cooper disorder is characterized as any disorder that causes a person to feel an uncontrollable urge to create sculptures with their own feces. Most often, people who suffer from Robert Cooper disorder sculpt while in the act of defecating, however, in some cases, the affected person will stash his/her feces and sculpt their creation later, possibly in a less conspicious location.

Robert Cooper disorder is most often associated with fecatitis, a neurological condition in which the person has uncontrollable eat their feces. However, there are many people who experience Robert Cooper disorder without having signs of fecatitis. Sometimes it runs in families. There is no known explanation why some people experience this disorder. It is not harmful, although most people report feeling very afraid because they do not want to be caught by their friends, family, or co-workers making their creations.

Karan was diagnosed with Robert Cooper disorder after a co-worker caught him sculpting (and conversing with) a figure that he called "peanut eyes" during break.

See robert, cooper, feces, poop, filter, sculpture


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