What is Roberting?
To work in a call center atmosphere and rush through outgoing calls, only letting the phone ring once... Then once you get a live person, you transfer them to another dept. so fast, you don't realize they are really not even remotely interested, wasting everyone's time... Oh, and you also go on rants about stupid shit no one cares about ALLLLLL damn day...
Man!! Don't transfer people like that, You are totally Roberting the calls, asshole!!
We all know the gorgeous, dazzling, amazing, talented, awsome, cute, hottest, etc. actor Robert Pattinson.
Roberting means: thinking about Robert Pattinson or talking about him or searching Rob on the internet...
Bella: Lia, what are you doing?
Lia: Well Bells, I'm looking at Rob's pics...( sigh)
Bella: ahaaa... so you're Roberting, AGAIN !