Robots In Disguise

What is Robots In Disguise?


A band from the U.K. best described as tecnopop. Some of their best know songs are 'Turn It Up', 'La Nuit', and 'DJ's Got A Gun'.

Person #1: I heard 'Turn It Up' on the radio yesterday.

Person #2: What band does that song?

Person #1 Robots In Disguise, duh!

See robots, rid, music, scene


A TV with robots. Also a band comprised of Sue Denim and Dee Plume.

Buy Robots in Disguise. Now.

See Aiza


a group that consists of girls with crazy, colorful hair and were ONCE 'popular'. They pwn in a sense.

"Yo, BIZ NATCH buy the CD, u won't b disappointed"


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