
What is Rochambeau?


1. French General from the American Revolution that was sent with 5,500 troops to help the Americans defeat the British by King Louis XVI. He is best known for the defeat of the British at Yorktown (1781).

2. A nut-kicking contest, usually performed between two males, taking turns to see who can take the most kicks in the nuts.

"Dude, I'll rochambeau you for those tickets to the NSYNC concert!"


(swift kick to the groin)

"You can keep those lameass tickets! I just wanted to kick you in the nuts, freak!"


It is a way to settle an arguement or to make a decision. Males alternate kicks in the nuts and the first one to fall loses.

Hutch foolishly agreed to rochambeau for the red sox tickets and consequently urinated blood for 2 weeks. In addition, he did not attend the red sox game due to complications of gonadal swelling.


1. A French general who was in command of 6,000 troops during the American Revolution, fought with General Washington at Yorktown.

2. A name used originally by people playing Ultimate (Ultimate Frisbee) for the game Rock Paper Scissors. Used to determine who would throw first. Also written Roshambo and Row-Sham-Bow.

2. A different game under the same name created by the TV show South Park where two people would kick each other in the crotch until one of them would fall over or give-up, used to determine the winner of an argument.

1. Comte de Rochambeau only fought in a few battles because he mostly remained at port to defend the French Fleet.

3. We won the rochambeau, so we throw the frisbee first.

4. You collapsed first, you have to pay the bill!

See roshambo, rock paper scissors, french, washington, south park


a rochambeau is where i kick you in the nuts as hard as i can, and then you kick me in the nuts as hard as you can. The first one to fall/quit loses.

Johnny: Hey! That joints mine! I made it!

Eric: Wanna rochambeau for it?

Johnny: OK!

See rochambeau, kick, nuts, hard, pain, crunch


a.k.a Roshambo or Rock Paper Scissors, often used in Ultimate Frisbee games.

Rochambeau to see throws off.



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