Rock N Roll

What is Rock N Roll?


Beach boys

Rolling Stones



Grateful Dead

Led Zeppelin


Emerson lake and Palmer



The Band

Bad Company

Billy JOel

Blue Oyster Cult

Bob Dylan


Buffalo Springfield

The Byrds

Country Joe and the Fish

Creedence Clearwater Revival


Derek and the Dominos

Dire Straits

Jefferson Airplane

Jethro Tull



Pink Floyd


Tom Petty

and tons more

^ = awesome bands from 50s-80s


only the greatest type of music ever! only for head bangin, long haired, rockers. usualy have huge concerts. have guitars, drums, bass, and singer.

AC/DC (Highway to Hell)

Black Sabbath (Iron Man)

Motley Crue(Girls,Girls,Girls)

Scorpions(Rock You Like a Hurricane)

Skid Row(18 and Life)

Guns n Roses(Welcome to the Jungle)

Kiss(Detroit Rock City)

Cinderella(Nobody's Fool)

See d.j.


1.) In Vietnam US troops used the term "rock n' roll" to describe firing full auto with a firearm, especially a machince gun.

Sergeant: Charlies comin' in from the west time to rock n roll !!! Sergeant puts the belt feed through his M60

See nam, vc, full metal jacket, charlie


Term that is often used as an enthusiastic response to a question or proposal.

Bill:"You wanna hit the pub after work?"

Pauly:"Rock n roll!"

See concur, lets roll, lets go, alright


great bands of rock.... men with huge hair,outrageus clothes,big concerts, and great head bangin music.


skid row

black sabbath

guns n' roses


motly crue

See d.j.


old skool African American slang name for sex.

let's rock n roll, honey

See music, slang, old skool, rock


To quote Bill Haley, who prety much invented rock, it is volatile mix of country and pop. At least, originally it was. It has its roots with black R&B dudes and folk singer type guys. Then white people started mixing it with country & pop (see above), and it started to become rock 'n' roll. Starting in the mid '50s, people such as Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Elvis Presely, and others created a whole new genre. In teh early '60s, surf bands like the Beach Boys and others started chaning it a bit. y the late '60s, it started to lose sight of its purpose. Hippies started transforming it from realtively short and fast songs into long, slow, boring songs about God-knows-what. By the '70s, bands like the Ramones starting to bring it back to its roots, only with a harder edge. Around this time, metal was created. Metal is hardly rock. Then it got pop-ified in the '80s, then it transformed into a bland, repetitive, boring commerical music in the '90s, finally being pashed out of mainstream society by metalheads and ganster rap people.

1. Lou Reed is a great writer. His song, Rock 'n' Roll, is a great song.

2. The Ramones saved rock.


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