What is Rock Off?
to battle someone via music.
Two bands or musicians duking it out too see who is the best musician out of the two.
Looks like it's going to be a rock off between the Asskissers and the Alkatoids to see whos the better band.
I challenge you to a rock off
When two (or more) people use the game Paper Scissors Rock to decide the ownership of a certain item. Mostly used in Australia. Spoken as "I'll rock you off for..."
Person 1 - "I'll rock you off for that burger." (or, "Let's have a rock off for your burger!")
Person 2 - "Ok, let's go!"
Person 1 and 2 - "1...2...3!"
Person 2 - "Damn, I chose scissors when you chose rock!"
Person 1 - "Haha, rock always wins. Thanks for the burger!"
To get a hand job; to jizz
"Hey, you won't believe this... But Suzie rocked me off last night!" or,
"She totally let me rock off on her face!"
short term for scissors, paper, rock
when a decision needs to be made (such as who gets the last chip) you rock off