A very obnoxious song that was written by someone from Kentuckyand is now loved by people from Tennessee. It is very popular with the redneck and hillbillypopulation.
On several Saturdays each fall many fat hillbillies in overalls and orange jackets converge on Knoxvilleand sing Rockytop over and over.
See tennessee, hillbilly, redneck, whalefuck, hogging, white trash, trailer trash, chav, fatty, tennessee tophat, buffet queen, obnoxious, burgertime, fat girl fucker, elephant jockey, elephant style, fatter than a republican in a tub full of poor people, hog hard or hog home, whale rider, obese, moped, war pig, veetology, vitellius, slumpbuster, plumper humper, pig lotto, plump bitch, pig rooter, omega mu, chunky style