
What is Roda?


A roda (pronounced Hah-da) is translated from Portuguese as "circle." A "roda" is commonly used in the Afro-Brasilian martial art capoeira, and it is basically the circle where two capoeiristas (capoeira participants) play against each other.

Roda's are typically made by group of capoeiristas and they clap along to the music playing. There are numerous occasions for roda's to be made-for fun, for more formal events such as baptizados, and for capoeirstas from different groups to experience capoeiraas a whole.

New capoeiristas should try to step into a roda, even if it might be scary at first; the experience gained from it is great!

See capoeira, circle


What you would say when playing Yi-Gi-Oh and you use the card 'Reinforcements of the Army' or when something stupid happens and you have nothing else to say.

Alex: "I play Reinforcements of the Army."

Aymen: "RODA!"

Joe: "On my way home I saw Robert get hit by a horse-drawn train."

TJ: "Roda."

See rado, roda, yu-gi-oh, yugioh


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