What is Rofflestomp?
To totally destroy an opponent who had no chance of winning. This is most used in PVP video games and usually pertains to a situation where through either numbers, gear or some other quantifiable aspect of the game the outcome was a foregone conclusion. Derives from the internet acronym
"I went into Warsong Gulch last night and got rofflestomped by a premade with all Season 3 Gear."
A saying used by really 1337 gamers. When someone gets rofflestomped, you know they got pwnt pretty hard, AND it was funny. Used in Counter-Strike frequently.
*Guy gets rofflestomped*
D00d #1 "Lawl roffle he just got rofflestomped"
D00d #2 "Pwnt it was h4x t00"