Rofl Knife

What is Rofl Knife?


A knife shown on Digital ph33rs series Arby n' the Chief. The knife is the weapon in which Chief tried to kill Todd with. Even making it out like the knife was alive and demanded blood.

The Rofl Knife on Arby n' the Chief!

See rofl, knife


The rofl knife is a special weapon used by master cheif and is in constant demand of blood particularly from todd

MC:the rofl knife demands blood todd, c, listen!!!1!!!!

rofl knife: blood plz k thx lol

See rofl, knife, blood, todd, master chief


Made for very funny slicing. Somtimes rofl knife wants lmao blood.

1."Damn boring bread. I'll use my ROFL KNIFE!"

2."OMG. I cannot control my ROFL KNIFE! It wants lmao blood! *slicing and screaming* Oh my rofl knife is better now.

See rofl, knife, lmao, blood, lol


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