
What is Roflmaopimpwtime?


rolling on the floor laughing my ass off peeing in my pants with tears in my eyes

Daymoose: Dude watch out, everyone knows mexicans are given switchblades before they even exit the womb.

me: roflmaopimpwtime!!!!!!

See rofl, pimp, time, lol, lingo, lmao, lmfao


roflmaopimpwtime meens "rolling on the floor laughing peeing in my pants with thears in my eyes".

it's like a exxageration of rofl. to you n00bies that doesnt know what rofl means, its "rolling on the floor laughing".

john says; i totally got pwned to day, by a newb !

louie; HAHA, roflmaopimpwtime !!!111

See rofl, roflmao, roflmaopimp, lmao, lol


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