
What is Rol?


random outburst (of) laughter.

-sheep are cool.


See lol, rofl, lmao, rol, stfu


Stands for Rape-Out-Loud. Used only online as an acronym. Never used in real world conversation.

"did ya hear what happened in the showers last night after school?"

"Yeah ROL"

See rape, humping, sex, adult, hentai


"Rock out loud" used by white people with hand sign (the one with the middle finger and the ring finger go under the thumb and the index finger and pinkey are out stretched). Also said as "rolers".

"Dude ACDC is the sweetest band of all time!"

"Dude I agree most defintely"


See lol, lolerz, rock, acdc, led zeppelin


when you scream and smash things all around you not minding what others think of you because you know your rage is invincible

cop: your car is being impounded


See lol, rage, angry, mad, happy


Abbreviation of "rire-ing out loud" among American students of the French language, "rire-ing" being a combination of the French verb "rire" (to laugh) and the English present participle suffix "-ing." This is then used to replace "laughing" in the common internet abbreviation LOL

This is considered Franglais.

Celine: puis, I told her, "Je care pas."

Cossette: ROL yer so méchante.

See franglais, franglish, rol, lol, lolz


Rage Out Loud. Used sometimes if you're bored, or even trying to lighten up a conversation. Or if your just feeling really rageful and you want to swing your heavy metal hair around. m/-.-m/

rawr rawr rawr

mike . your pen is a pistola oooo oooooo says:


mirka says:


mirka says:



the mixture of "rofl" (rolling on floor laughing) and "lol" (laughing out loud). forming "rol" (rolling out loud).. mostly used with extended use of the letter r.

"yaeh maen, eye oan.. rrrrrrrrol"

"your a faphat, rrrrrrol"


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