
What is Roland?


1. Roland (Frankish: Hruodland, Italian: Orlando) is a character in medieval and Renaissance literature, the chief paladin of Charlemagne and a central figure in the Matter of France. It is thought the title character of the 12th century Song of Roland, which recounts his final stand against the Muslims during the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, is based on a real person who died in that battle (under different circumstances), but the authors of most later chansons de geste and the Renaissance epics Orlando innamorato and Orlando furioso made little attempt to establish historical accuracy.

2. From the The American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language. Roland{1}. A masculine given name. Roland{2}. n. A lengendary paladin and nephew of Charlemange killed in the battle against the Saracens at Roncesvalles.

3. An individual of high intellect, fun loving and irresistible to women.

1. There exists only one historical mention of a French Roland, found in the section of Vita Karoli Magni on Roncevaux Pass, written by Charlemagne's courtier and biographer Einhard.

2. Gawd girl! That guy is such a Roland

See roland, renaissance, paladin, charlemagne, masculine, he-man, muslim


when one is high grab and twist balls the person should moan like a whale.

Dude please dont Roland me when i get high at that party today

See roland, whale, balls, moan, twist


a song by interpol, it used to be my fav song until i heard cursive, islands, and the kooks. interpol's pretty good though.

"roland was a butcher he had 16 knives"

-roland, by interpol

See interpol, kooks, cursive


1. A french inventor

2. Someone who redefines SUPER GAY.

1. Roland invented the Driveler

2. OMG dont be a Roland!

See roland, moreno, gay, french, inventor


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