
What is Role-playing?


1) A hobby in which players create or are given fictional characters to portray. There is usually a rule-system of some form, of which D&Dis an example. In a group of players one (or sometimes more) persons will volunteer to be a Games Master - s/he will control all non-player characters, the environment the players interact in and arbitrate the rules.

2) A bedroom practise, in which partners dress up and pretend to be someone else for sexual satisfaction.

"My role-playing character is a barabarian warrior from the tundra!"

"Let's role-play, I want you in that school girl uniform again."


A term used to describe the act of jacking off

The reason being is because the hand is pretending to be a vagina (Or "Role-playing" the role of a vagina)

**This term was coined by Ismael**

Josh was caught Role-playing in his World of Warcraft costume

"OK Class, we're going to be Role-playing today!"

Aaron loves Role-playing to feet

See masturbation, jacking off, fetish, sex, nerds


please see chunkmonkeyor die

Just see the definition #2

See Eddie


See chunkmonkeyor die

Just see the second definition.

See Eddie


Names masturbaters name their hand

1.Gripney Spears

2.Christina Jackalera

3.Cumin Elektra

4.The Pullsome Twins

5.Palmala Anderson

6.Courtney Cocks

7.Jenutfer Lopez

8.Janet Jerkson

9.Brianna Bangs

10.Jerksica Simpson

Ahh... cumin...ahh. elektra yeah!!!!!

See Bill Clinton


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