
What is Rollin?


I term used to define a drug trip, usually for 'hard core' drugs such as Exstacy and Cough Syrup

She was rollin on E at his party, thats why she was so crazy.


a term by used by ravers under the influence of ecstacy. similiar to thizzin in bay area,ca.

i was hella rollin last night at the club.

See thizz, thizzin, peakin, euphoria, mobb


The term used when reffering to someperson high on ecstacy

I was rollin balls last night at freak night!

See rolling, thizzin, rollin balls, thizzing, ecstacy


to be on ecstacy or another drug that trips you out.

I popped 2 tabs & I was rollin hard!

See x, ex, ecstacy, tabs, pill


Usually associated with the ecstasy experience but can also refer to a bowl of pot/weed/grass that is lit and is still burning. If a bowl is rolling there is no need to light it.

In relation to ecstasy, "Man, I took a molly about three hours ago and I am rollin'!"

In relatioin to pot,"Hey hit that quick, it's rollin' you don't need a light."

See high as hell, trippin' balls, hittin', smokin', chiefin'


to be high on ecstacy

them yellow donkeys and gators get ya mind right, them pink bitches, they gon have you rollin all night

See jig, exo, jigga, jigger, power up, nigger


term for the actions and feelings someone does or has, when under the influence of an exctacy tablet.

hey jon you should have come to the rave lastnight we were rolling the entire night!

See ectasy, drugs, high, intoxicated


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