Ronald Reagan

What is Ronald Reagan?


If you are on the right, Reagan is God.

If you are on the left, Reagan is Satan.

"Reagan was the greatest president ever, except for Bush." - (R)

"Reagan was the worst president ever, except for Bush." - (D)


A President who negotiated with terrorists, illegally funded, armed and collaborated with the Iraqis in the Iran-Iraq War, funded a Latin American terrorist group then told the American people he did none of these things and when the truth came out he completely got away with all of it.

In return, he is seen as one of the greatest Presidents ever because of the surging economy regardless of the long-term impact to be had with the tripling of the national debt as well as his 'defeating' of the Soviet Union regardless of their financial failings since the 1960s and the social reform of the 1980s.

Bill Clinton was nearly impeached for lying about cheating on his wife. In comparison, Ronald Reagan got a mild slap on the wrist for funding nun-raping and village-destroying genocidal terrorists even after Congress passed legislation forbidding it and after telling the American people he did not do these things.

See reagan, hypocrisy, president, cag


a pagan god who is worshipped by many members of the Republican party

Ronald Reagan supported huge tax cuts for the super rich combined with massive increases in military spending mostly for boondoggles like his "starwars" missile defense plan that never worked. This sent our national debt into the trillions. Reagan was known for busting up labor unions and other anti-worker policies that drove down wages while CEO salaries soared. Some of Reagan's other accomplishments include creating the Taliban to fight off a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and providing arms to Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran war.

See conservative, republican, fundie, g.o.p.


Ronald Reagan:

One of the worst presidents this country has ever had...

The president know best for bringing back poverty to the masses and for slowing research into aids research. Also responsible for a scandal in central America.

This presidents who spoke highly of "the trickle down theory" The same doctrine that inflicted homelessness on so many American people. Reagan's economic policies helped

Corporation get over on their employees. He allowed them to pollute the oceans, poison the air. And pay less taxes while doing so.

Reagan supported the proliferation of nuclear missiles and germ warfare. He and president Bush are responsible for training Al Al-Qaeda, Training weapons and materials provided by U.S. and our own CIA. Side note- George Bush(then the vice president was the former head of the CIA)

One would need a great many pages in the Urban dictionary to completely define this man. Suffice it to say, He embraced many dark ideals and intolerance. He and his administration are responsible for many great wrongs.

It should also be noted that Reagan fought increasing the minimal wage vehemently.

Towards the end of his life and presidency they were having to remove a wart from his nose which kept growing back. Many people thought that he had lied so much during his presidency that he had, in-fact, affected reality; and his nose would grow when he lied. Which seemed to be most of the time.

2.) The president who John Hinckley failed to kill.

Ronald Reagan:

There are too many examples to list of how evil this man was.

Fighting the minimal wage increase. Halting medical research for AIDS and cancer. Killing innocent people in central America and ushering in an economic policy that devastated so many lives. His policies allowed the rich to exploit the middle class and poor. He gave tax relief to corporations while denying medical care to American citizens. And although the taxes went up, Bills to provide national health were rejected medical research was under-funded and more money went to defense contractors and weapons development.

I the author of this definition celebrate the day of his death (Ronald Regan) as well as others such as Pope John Paul II

For those of you who wish to do the same those dates are June 6, 2004 for Reagan

And April 2, 2005

Two of the most Vile people to have been spewed from their mothers entrails and who I am glad went down for the dirt nap at last.

See liar, theif, pinocchio, homophobe, scumbag


Ronald Reagan = one the BEST presidents ever. President Reagan understood the dynamics of one's wallet better than any president before or after his presidency. He understood what it took to get the economy moving again - and to restore the American dream. His ability to restore the nations sense of optimism and pride was one of his biggest achievements.

Peace thru strength was his best acheivement.

President Ronald Reagan did more - single handedly - to end communism as we knew it - ended the USSR as a major world threat. He ended the cold war after over 40 years of unrelenting world wide tensions & fear.

President Reagan was a conservative without being a red neck about it - he was able to bring about the best ideals of being a proud American. His ever present sense of optimism brought the country back on track after the 16 long dreary years - 1964-1980 - following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He ended the pessimism generated by the years of Vietnam & Watergate & Stagflation.

Ronald Reagan represented the American dream - from his humble boyhood beginnings in Dixon, IL. to Hollywood, CA. and to the White House in Washington, DC. He lived the American dream - can do.

President Reagan's presidency will be remembered as - Morning in America. History will place Ronald Reagan among the great American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.

President Ronald Reagan ended the cold war and communism - and restored optimism to America.

See presidents


1.) The second worst President of the USA, EVER! The first being GWB. For some reason he's the object of neo-cons' wet dreams.

2.) A nauseating conversation that always comes up during 2008 GOP Presidential Debates.

1.) Remember back when Saddam actually did have WMDs in the '80s, and gassed the Curds with them. Ronald Reagan was the guy who gave them to him. Ronald Reagan was also responsible for Iran Contra, the overrated POS should've been impeached over it.

2.) Last night during the GOP Presidential debate, McCain, Romney, and Huckabee all went in graphic detail on how they'd like to perform necrophiliac acts to Reagan's remains.

See worst, president, overrated, horrible, bad


A rotten scumbag of a president. As authors on this site obviously slant left wing, independent and libertarian, I'm a little shocked at how anyone on slangdefine could defend such a wackjob of a president. Many of you were probably brainwashed into the "Reagan Legacy" - which is easily the biggest presidential hoax of all time. If anyone goes back and researches Reagan's term and reads his personal writings it would become shockingly apparent that Reagan was just manipulating the masses with a fake personality. Reagan figured that since he was formally an actor he could play the role of a character during his whole term.

See: complete fake and phony

It is a little known fact that in the early 1960's Ronald Reagan OPPOSED equal rights for African Americans.

See evil, scumbag, faker, phony, republican


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