Roo Pouch

What is Roo Pouch?


An act of Gay love between two men.

Pulling the scrotum out along the shaft and holding them together.

This forms a slot, or pouch between the two that, if gripped tight enough can be fucked.

This resembles and gets its name from a Kangaroo pouch

Man #1: I don't want it in the ass tonight.

Man #2: Shrink Wrap?

Man #1: No, that doesn't do anything for me.

Man #2: Roo Pouch?

Man #1: Sure, me first!

Man pulls his balls out and holds them along his shaft while the other sticks his cock in the space and proceeds to fuck it.

See gay, gay sex, sex, fuck, roo, pouch, kangaroo, panda, gaysex, masturbate, fucking, ass


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