
What is Rooster?


Also known as Cock, a Rooster is an exterier organ of the male

Dane loves the Rooster!

See Murph


The last half inch thrust during doggy style sex. This involves thrusting forcefully with your pelvis and perching up on your toes in order to look like a crowing rooster. It occurs right before ejaculation or to fuck a gay man straight.

I was about to bust so I gave her the rooster.

See rooster, doggy style, ejaculation, sex, forceful


A male chicken. As in, a bird that lives on a farm. As in a food animal. One that we eat. Just so I am completely clear.

that rooster is interested in that chicken.

See chicken, chick, male, roost, cock-a-doodle-doo


a male (since girls are called chicks men should be called ROOSTERS)

That is one hot rooster

Hey Rooster, come here

See eminem


A penis

Hey, baby! Wanna play with the rooster?


An uncircumsized penis. Originated from the observation that uncircumsized penis' have extra skin like the skin on a roosters neck.

Jimmy pulled his rooster out of Jordyns ass so quick he left her with a devastating pink sock.

See cock, choade, skin


1. A female wearing a strap-on dildo, especially with the intention of having sex with another woman.

2. A female known to wear a strap-on dildo.

3. A female acting in a manner as if you are literally her 'bitch'.

'I wonder which of those ladies will be the rooster tonight?' Can be (obviously) intended as a derogatory term.

See dildo, lesbian, bitch, strap on, domination


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