What is Rootin' Tootin' Jamaican Chocolate Raspberry?


When a girl has diarrhea, and you ask her to fart in your mouth, but she squirts a little diarrhea in your mouth when she does it. It makes you sick, so you vomit, but you vomit in your own crotch. Then, she puts her vagina against your vomit covered crotch, and queefs. At the same time, she starts her period, so your crotch gets covered with menstrual blood too. The acid in your barf start rotting her cunt, and chunks of it fall off. Her 4 year old comes in and eats the chunks, and you chop both of their heads off with a tomahawk.

I want to give Shabombu Rimjob Honeycomb Heaton a rootin' tootin' jamaican chocolate raspberry after she's done taking it up the gary. If she's too tired, she can just give me a regular jamaican raspberry


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