
What is Ror?


Abbreviated form of "Raughing out Roud"

ROR! I rike fried wice.


The asian version of "lol"

"ror, he crapped his pants!"

See lol, ror, im, 1337, a.d.d.


raugh out roud - asian for laugh out loud

ROR you soo sirry today.

See lol, raff, loud, rol


to Raff out Roud

After telling a funny joke at the drycleaners, the asian worker ROR'd for several minutes.

See lol, laugh out loud, aim, omg, rofl


Stands for LOL in Asian (Raff out Roud)

Email Conversation....

Asian Boy: Watch me riff my reff reg in vis video

Asian Girl: Dat makes me ROR

See i, dont, have, any, tags


The asian way of saying LOL

White Guy: "And then she got teabagged."

Asian: ROR!

See ror, asian, lol, laugh, out, loud


Raugh out Roud (laugh out loud OR LOL)

Used when someone makes a funny remark to someone, the other person will reply 'ROR' as a web based acronym instead of 'LOL'.

ROR used to lampoon a generalized Asian (nip) accent and strong use of the 'r' sound replacing the L's.

Andrian says: "I think I ruv(love) you Emma."

Emma says: "But I like not you, Andrian."

Jullian says: "ROR"

*as Andrian gets shut down*

See ror, lol, asian


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