What is


A website that culls reviews of movies and generates a rating based on those reviews. Movies are either fresh(at least 60% positive reviews) or rotten (less than 60% positive).

The site also has info on old movies, video games. The site offers web community opportunities through forums and journals.

Before I rent movies, I check if they are rotten on


An free, online compiler of movie reviews. Rotten Tomatoes generally compiles over 100 reviews for popular movies, and presents the average rating (based on the reviews that give stars) and the percent of good, or "fresh" reviews. If 60% or more of the reviews are fresh the movie is certified "fresh," otherwise, it is "rotten," hence the name of the cite.

Guy A: Did (MOVIEA) get good reviews?

Guy B: Yeah, it got a 93% fresh on, you should definitely see it.

See rotten tomatoes, rotten, tomatoes,, fresh, movie, review, online, compiler, tomatoe


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