
What is Roughneck?



Most commonly known as a member of the crew of an oil rig other than the driller. It can also mean cruel and brutal person.

Toby Keith used to be a roughneck, his father was also one.


a hoodlum, a streetwise toughguy, typically from a heavily industrialized area. Roughnecks usually have a chip on their shoulder the size of Arkansas.

Those Pawtucket Roughnecks are always looking for a fight.


n. a construction worker, driller, miner, or roofer, from working outside in the sun, and because they often fit the definition given above.

c.f. blue collar, leatherneck


one who is likeing unto a thug or of thuggish who is most likely to be associated with organized crime, he could be in a gang but not always in a gang.

gang affliated characters in the movie "Boys in da Hood"


Term for describing good oral sex from some ho.

yo that bitch gave me some roughneck last night kidd!


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