
What is Rout?



1. Contraction of the phrase "rock out."

2. To go out, spend lots of money, drink lots of booze, and shamelessly hit on girls. Essentially, to get nice and go huge.

notes: "rout" is commonly used together with the word "cout" which is itself a contraction of the words "cock out." Routing is also an important concept in the Get Drunk and Go for It school of thought.

James: What do you want to do tonight? Wanna rout a little?

Ben: Yeah, let's take many tequila shots and rout with our couts.

James: Did you get nice last night?

Ben: I straight routed; I gave some girl all kinds of orgasms when I put my d in her v.

See rock out, rock out with your cock out, cout, c'out, get nice


In a battle, a rout is a complete desertion of a unit of troops. As apposed to a fall back or a retreat, a rout involves litteraly legging it as far and fast as possible. Used often by the french

The soldiers were so afraid they chose to rout.

See leg it, do one, hot foot, french, noob, army


1) To defeat soundly.

2) A sound defeat.

1) Unfortunately, we were nonetheless routed in the championship game by Wortsford.

2) The game wasn't anywhere near close; we won by so much that even calling it a rout would be generous.


something that is extremely distgusting

"these sandwiches are straight rout!"

See rowdy, routy, gross, disgusting, nasty


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