
What is Rowshambo?


Actually spelled "rochambeau".

Similar to RockPaperScissors, except more painful.

Each player kicks the opponent as hard as possible in the genital region. The first person to fall down is the loser.

Player 1: "Hey, I'll rowshambo/rochambeau you for the first slice of pizza!" XD XD

Player 2: "OKAY~!!" ^_^ ^_^

Player 1: "Me first!" *evil grin*

*swift kick to groin of Player 2 by Player 1*

*Player 2 falls over in immense pain, Player 1 laughs and eats pizza.*

See rochambeau


The way an idiot spells rochambeau

If I had just bothered to look up rochambeau on the urban dictionary, I might have noticed it's not spelled rowshambo.

See Sui


other name for rock-paper-scisers.


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