
What is Roxbury?


A ghetto burrow of Boston. Most of the people are black except the west part is all rich white kids.

Roxbury is like, "Boston's Brooklyn".


A section of Boston that is ghetto

Roxbury is a place where u don't wanna be


you know your from roxbury when..

-theres a swimming pool on the third floor

-the one subsitute you ask for is mr. kelly

-you walk down the halls and smelling like rotten eggs from somthing that exploded in a lab

-the old lockers pretty much dont lock

-you know who were referring to when we say kid rock

-the band/choir room was made bigger, but yet theres classes with 30 people

-you know senora and join her class randomly

-teens hang out at mcdonalds

-tuesday night is free movie night and car show at the roxbury mall

-legs spread faster than rumors

-fuddruckers is the place to hang in the winter

-you've ran across route 10 for taco bell

-half the high schoolers work at shop rite

-the toliets over flow

-and an e-coli scare

-you only get service someplaces and you know where

-every one loves bruce

-lots of girls are orange

-our rivals are randolph

-eighth grade girls are sluts, just wait till high school it all changes

-theres always drama

-and there not all rich

-theres always that one house that people hang out at

-everyones got their own clicks

-juniors get to park on righter

-everyone has a feeling the art teacher was a hippie

-only the ugly girls get in trouble for what they wear

-vitamin water labels are all over note books along with five gum

-you get kicked off computers when your on youtube

-ledgewood dunkin dounuts is where out of school kids hang out with their cars

-football games is where its at

-when it rains theres nothing to do

-woods parties

-everyone knows when you did something with someone

-the elevator gets stuck

-everyone still calls it K2

-landing and hopatcong kids work at pathmark

-you've walked to the mall in the rain

-you've walked the rail road tracks

roxbury, mcdonalds, movies, high school

See roxbury, movies, mall, macdonalds, drama


a very boring town in Western Morris County full of rich kids where all there is to do is drink on weekends. Town is best known for its Football and Wrestling teams. The school has no windows, its pretty much a jail and administration continues to keep screwing the kids in the school over with their bullshit rules. Roxbury throws the best parties in the area attracting kids from Randolph, Mendham, Mount Olive , and Long Valley

Mount Olive kids: "this town is beat, lets goto Roxbury to party"

See party, shit, football, wrestling, mount olive


Roxbury, New Jersey is actually a LOWER Middle-Class community. It is 100% on-par with every Middle-Class and Lower Middle-Class community anywhere else in the United States. This proves the statement WRONG that Roxbury is filled with "kids that don't know how to spend their parent's money." Ass-wipe.

Roxbury has the benefit of being in one of the richest Counties in the U.S. This gives the people who live in the "shittier" sections of town, an excuse to bitch about the people who are so "rich" and live in the "nicer" sections of town...hence at least one of the previous definitions here.

The average income of a typical Roxbury resident is well below $100,000 a year. Much closer to $60,000 and below. The town is NOT filled with "rich" people, "rich" girls that wear "huge sunglasses" (that would be County College of Morris).

Roxbury does have a fairly good wrestling and football team, correct. The High School is getting worse as far as rules go. The High School is NOT a jail-cell. High School is ridiculously easy there, yet the children that populate the High School think it is really cool to act like they hate it very much-so.

As far as Choir and Band go, they are good; but no one gives a shit because they are almost all fags. The town wasted a huge budget on an addition to the High School so they can have more room to play their little instruments.

Roxbury does not throw the best parties in the area. Period. Drive into Roxbury at 11:00PM on any week-night, or weekend, and the town is 100% dead.

The Roxbury Mall is the main attraction of Roxbury teenage residents, and other surrounding towns. It is very "cool" for people from other towns to come to the Roxbury Mall blasting old, gay music, such as "Barbie Girl" hanging out of their ~$15,000 automobile singing along with the lyrics. Then it is also "cool" for people hanging out in a random parking-lot such as "Electronics Expo" to scream back "FAGS!".

A large portion of scumbags hang out at McDonalds, and Cinema 10. Not all, but a large portion. McDonalds attracts more of an older crowd, and the wanna-be tough gangsters hang out at Cinema 10. Due to the fact that Roxbury is a Lower Middle-Class town, that is why there are WANNA-BE gangsters at Cinema 10. Age bracket of Cinema 10 is somewhere between 12-16. Up until the Summer of 2005 McDonalds parking lot would be filled with ricers. 99% rice, 1% fast cars. These people were usually 20+ and have nothing to do for some reason.

Roxbury is also a relatively diverse town. There are the "average" amount of minorities considering the area. No girls pretend to get pregnant, or become pregnant. There are a handfull of pregnant teenagers that were in the High School/graduated...just as there would be with ANY town in the United States.

Lastly, as you can see from almost all of the wrong defiintions, the town is filled with a bunch of teenage kids who think that their life is WAY worse than it actually is...hence their borderline mentally retarded definitions of the town they most likely live in.

Mount Olive Toolbag 1: "Yo, lets go to Roxbury and blast gay music and call everyone gay at the mall."

Mount Olive Toolbag 2: "Sick idea, BRO!"

See roxbury, middle-class


A small rich, suburban town in Morris County New Jersey. Basically filled with hundreds of white kids that don't know how to spend their parents they buy stupid shit like big ass sun glasses, and every garment for either Hollister, or Abercrombie possible. If they don't spend their money on these things it will most likely be spent on weed, or liquor. The band is awesome and the choir is even better,despite how good that band is people still deny being a peart of it.

"I went to Roxbury to see that movie."

"I went to the Roxbury diner after the dance."

"I went to the white castle in Roxbury."

"I went bowling a circle lanes in Roxbury."

"Wow she's such a stupid whore, she must be from Roxbury."

See roxbury, white castle, diner


A small, wealthy town in Litchfield County, Connecticut. Not much happens in Roxbury which is why it is known for being the home of many celebrities/New Yorkers.

Kid: I am so excited! I get to go back to Roxbury today...

other kid: WHY are you excited! There is nothing in Roxbury!

Kid: Yeah but my house there is a lot quieter than my house in Manhattan- none of the tabloids can get to me when I'm in Roxbury

See roxberry, litchfield, wealthy


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