
What is Rox0r?


(1337) Means 'rocks' in 1337-speak

"That's rox0r!"


rox0r was originally based more on logic and simple pig latin concepts

0r is a subsitutiton for or, which is a phonetic substitution for er, and x is a substituion for (c) or (k) (yes, that is rather stupid)

thus it was rocker. Somehow, people thought you could use rocker, a clear noun for someone cool and who rocks, as an adjective and a verb, as in

that rockers (r0x0rs) or I got rockered (rox0red).

This later development is unfortunate and outside any good rule for slang.

That guy is a rox0r, since he can really play the guitar.


v. To defeat or defile someone or something.

I got rox0red by a bot in Unreal Championship!


My girlfriend, no, seriously, she has taken so much shit, yet she still claims to love me, and that's just the best thing in the world. She is like, just, fuck, the BEST.. I love her even if she no longer loves me, and I'm a lowly geek.

My girlfriend is 'the rox0r' because even though I talk shit, and moan, she loves me, damn that's hardcore.


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