
What is Roz?


a beautiful girl with brown curly hair, she's short but she's got a lot of potential. She has an amazing voice that can blow people away, and she's a great person to talk to about your problems. Don't forget her undoubtable kindess and .. beauty.

DANG HOMMIE, that girl is so ROZ, no wonder she's part of RPAN!

See osbourne


a hot sexy mofo

a grrr;

Hey that gurls' Roz


A gawgeous mofo with a huge ego, and a brilliant talent for miming. This person is known to: be a walking awkward moment, pretend to light scores on fire in chorus when the boys butcher the music, sing loudly off key in the hallways, and continue conversations in her head. She is the kind of person who would definitly make up her own urban dictionary definition, and if scared screams very loudly.

...I can't imagine tomorrow...

That girl form the Student Directed Plays was named Roz.

See ros, rosalind, watson, beautiful, actress


a loud mouthed shit talking female that gets off by talking non-sence and other jiberish and enjoys gorillas in the mist

Roz loves gorillas in the mist after a debate with tyrone while eating cheese cake


A young, intelligent girl with longish brown, wavy hair and ocean blue eyes with freckles that would make the palest girl look tanned. Not too tall but her tallness and build makes her skin bag on her.

Roz the young Gryffindor who had made a admirer of Ron.


Shortened version of the name Rosalind. Could also apply to Rosamund, if people still name their kids that.

Peter: Hey, Cill? Where in the hell is Roz?

Priscilla: Oh, you mean, "Mz. Rosamund? She's upstairs, powdering her clit, I mean nose, excuse me."


A very hott male who kicks ass at basketball and is cooler than Victor and is tuffff!

That roz is awesome!!!!!


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