
What is R4p3?




it obviously looks a bit similar, if you can't get the concept, you're stupid.

Using spelling like this, people will and should obviously take the word usage as a joke...

I just r4p3d kyle in the face with my sniper-rifle.

I r4p3d your mom to make you feel bad, and she isn't fat... she is sexy!

I r4p3d a porcupine and now have a flesh-mace.

I am going to r4p3 my way out of here...

See r4p3, code, rape, sex, pwn, own


the cool l33tspelling for the exclamatory statement "rape"

1. "R4p3!"

2. "I r-4-p-3(d) you."

See rape, r4pe, rap3, sex, consensual


Wow. You must an idiot if you can't figure this out...make the "4" an "a" and then the "3" an "e"..(Hint: r4p3=rape)

Don't r4p3. You'll get AIDS and DIE.

See rape, raper, sex machine




it obviously looks a bit similar, if you can't get the concept, you're stupid.

Using spelling like this, people will and should obviously take the word usage as a joke...

I just r4p3d kyle in the face with my sniper-rifle.

I r4p3d your mom to make you feel bad, and she isn't fat... she is sexy!

I r4p3d a porcupine and now have a flesh-mace.

I am going to r4p3 my way out of here...

See r4p3, code, rape, sex, pwn, own


the cool l33tspelling for the exclamatory statement "rape"

1. "R4p3!"

2. "I r-4-p-3(d) you."

See rape, r4pe, rap3, sex, consensual


Wow. You must an idiot if you can't figure this out...make the "4" an "a" and then the "3" an "e"..(Hint: r4p3=rape)

Don't r4p3. You'll get AIDS and DIE.

See rape, raper, sex machine


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