
What is Rs?


An abbreiviation for an MMORPG called runescape . A Very cool game.

What's your RS Combat Level?


An abbreviation for "Rape Suspect" used in Police terms to desribe the events in a crime scene.

In everday use, an RS would be someone that looks suspicious, untrustworthy, or a bit sketchy . Or it could be someone that sneakily follows people (thus making them RVs of the RS).

See also: RV

"Look at the RS following those kids"

"I smell an RS"

See rape, suspect, rv, rs, sneaky, sketchy, trust, stalker


If you searched for these 2 letters then you're more then likely looking for definitions of runescape.

Well, here you go.

1. RS-ing - the act of playing runescape

2. abbreviation to refer to runescape

I was playing RS all night the other day, and i realised...I've wasted my life following this gay ass game.



usually seen in online games like counter strike

Tom: Would u like rs ?

Mike: sure, after strat time

See restart, rs, strike, online


Reliable source (when used on Wikipedia).

Man! Somebody deleted my addition to wikipedia because it wasn't backed up by an RS.

See wikipedia, reliable, source, unreliable, false


Abberviation for RuneScape, the massive online Java-based gamed by Jagex. It is not gay.. its cool.

bob:im getting rs today when will you be on?

jane:probably tomorrow

See bobie


An abbreviation for Retard Strength. Retard Strength is a phenomena in which someone who is retarded (or perhaps just a little slow) is as strong as an ox. The abbreviation RS may be used to describe such a retard right in front of him without enciting his Retard Rage.

*two people trying to pull a basketball from one another*

Tom: Just let him have it he has RS.

Retard: Huh?!?

See retard, retard strength, retard strong


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