
What is Rsa?


An abbreviation encryption system that is very powerful. It uses prime numbers in order to make it harder to break. It will convert characters and words into one very large number which is solved using a decryption algorithm.

crypto encryption cryptography

P = 61 <- first prime number (destroy this after computing E and D)

Q = 53 <- second prime number (destroy this after computing E and D)

PQ = 3233 <- modulus (give this to others)

E = 17 <- public exponent (give this to others)

D = 2753 <- private exponent (keep this secret!)

Your public key is (E,PQ).

Your private key is D.

decrypt(C) = (C^D) mod PQ

= (C^2753) mod 3233

encrypt(T) = (T^E) mod PQ

= (T^17) mod 3233

See Spartacus


RSA is a public key encryption algorithm invented in 1978 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman; and so is named after them.

Text or data is encrypted with one numeric key (or password) and decrypted with another. The person intending to receive the data generates a public and private key. The public key is shared with the sender (and anyone else who may intercept it), and the private key is kept secret with the receiver. Anyone may encrypt data with the public key, but only the private key may decrypt it.

(RSA can be used to secure communication over public channels without ever meeting the person you're speaking with.)

See cryptography, encryption, pgp, prime


RSA- Rancid Stank Ass

omfg that fuckin kilbasa/st.dez smelled like RSA


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