
What is Rss?


RSS (an acronym for "Rich Site Summary" and later coined "Really Simple Syndication") is a way for web sites to summarize their content, such as news articles, to make it available in a different view.

Yahoo News (RSS) headlines can be viewed like bookmarks in Firefox or viewed like email in Thunderbird.

Many web sites generate RSS feeds such as the BBC News (RSS), Yahoo News (RSS), and your favorite Blog. RSS comes in many flavors, including RSS 0.9, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, and Atom -- and Mozilla Firefox supports them all.

You can find many RSS feeds at: Technorati, Feedster, and


(Also known as Rich Site Summary) A system often used with XML

to create channels that one suscribes to and views via a news reader or other special system.

Our new RSS feed will make it easier for people to see what's up with us!


Most commonly referred to as Really Simple Syndication. This is a format used in the internet community to help standardize the syndication of information. This syndication is also refered to as a 'feed,' and is normally in XML or RDF codebase. It is very popular to use what is called an 'aggregator' or 'newsreader' to download these 'feeds' onto a users desktop.

The website's RSS feed had a daily syndication.


Snickering. Brazilian equivalent of lol (laughing out loud) often used in online chat.

Note: The number of s's after r are variable.

Then he let a loud one go...rss

See lol, snickering, kkkk


General information delivered in abbreviated or condensed form. Used in the same context as the classic "411", or "skinny" on a given subject.

Here's the RSS on the new food policy for the office. What's the RSS on the new guy?

See 411, skinny, word, info


non-stop smack talker that continually feeds negativity... such an rss --> such an "arse"

Eddie kannot go one second without putting someone or something down, he is such an rss.

See asshole, rss, arse, jerk, geek


Rumour Spreading Shop. This is a shop of hindus with head office in indian city of Nagpur and business franchisees all over the country and all main countries of with commodities like clash of civilization , minority-phobia, business over bugbear of muslim terrorism . this itself has been included amongt the 25 dreadliest terrorist organisations othe world by Terrorism Research Centre (TRC ) of America.Involved in cruel violence and murder of thosands of Christians in India especilaly in sates of Gujrat and orrissa.Killer of Mahatma Gandhi , Nathu Ram gODSE , WHO WAS ALSO FIRST HINDU TERRORIST OF INDEPENDENT INDIA BELONGED to this shop. tHIS SHOP HAS BROUGHT bad name to otherwise moderate classical hinduism practised by secularists like Mahatma Gandhi ,Swami vivekanand, maharishi etc .

rss gorakh-dhahda, business of terrorism , killers of gandhi, khooni, pakhandi


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