
What is R.t.f.m?


Read The Fucking Manual. Used, more than most would imagine, in technical documents. Mostly of the manual or instructions variety. Tends to be added to the end or rather the start of the manual by technical writers annoyed by questions being brought up that are more than well answered in the relevant documentation.

Manuals on newly developed computer applications. R.T.F.M added to the end of the first introduction page.

See r.t.f.m, manual, read, document, instructions


Read The Fucking Manual. Used, more than most would imagine, in technical documents. Mostly of the manual or instructions variety. Tends to be added to the end or rather the start of the manual by technical writers annoyed by questions being brought up that are more than well answered in the relevant documentation.

Manuals on newly developed computer applications. R.T.F.M added to the end of the first introduction page.

See r.t.f.m, manual, read, document, instructions


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