What is Rtfp?
Abbreviation for "Read the fine print".
Novell_Nazi: RTFP, 30 hours battery life at 48kbps. That's where they get ya. CD quality is at least 128kbps.
Wild_Mike: thats shit
'Read the Fucking Post' A derivative of RTFM (Read the Fucking Manual)
Refers to forum posts.
RTFP before you reply
Read The F**king Profile. When dating online, older men constantly hit on younger women that specifically requested youthful matches. In such cases, the victim will use the term RTFP to bring this issue to light quickly and efficiently.
-40 year-old male sends email to 20 year old female.
-20 year old lady replies "RTFP you perv."
Abbreviation for "Read the f****** powerpoint".
Stop asking and RTFP.
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