
What is Rubicon?


A river in northern Italy that Julius Caesar crossed, saying " fuck you" to the Roman government at the time.

When a guy crosses the Rubicon with a girl, it is basically the point where it is impossible for them to be just friends. It is the "at bat" portion of the baseball game, and the next step for the guy is to get to first baseor strike out. In other words, the guy either ends up in a relationship with the girl, or he fucks it up and they never speak to each other again. But, either way, it's far better than being in the Friend Zone, and crossing the Rubicon with a hot girl is always something to be admired.

Scenario: Tristan crosses the Rubicon with Amber, but Alex and Mark are both in her Friend Zone.

Alex: But she was so nice to us, and we all had such a fun time hanging out, but she ends up fucking Tristan? He was also there the whole time and they never spoke. I thought she hated him!

Mark: Yeah, Tristan's an asshole. But you know, girls like assholes.

See friend zone, just friends, first base, date, tension


The line crossed when you find yourself too good of friends with someone to date them.

So I thought I was on a date with Jane then she started talking about some dude she wants to bang and I found myself crossing the Rubicon.


"rubicon" is the most amasing soft drink wen drunk or stoned or both, with take away food is best! yes! 3 cheers for rubicon

duuuude! i need some curly fries and 2 cans of rubicon! yes for rubicon everything will be okay.

See rubicon, soft, drink, stoned, meal, yumm


badass jeep that costs way less than an h2 but is way fuckin better unless ur a soccer mom

hey, check out this video of me rock crawlin in my rubicon

See jorge


One that is beyond unatainable.

Damn that blonde in our math class is one fuckin' rubicon.


The ultimate Cainer

the only cainer who can outcain Festering


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