
What is Rucker?


a kickass person

one of ample coolness

a very confident person

"o, shit man, that girl looks like a rucker"

See cool, awesome, chic, talented, successful


To embarrass someone. To totally destroy someone or make them your 'bitch'.

I just ruckered you.

You got ruckered in that game yesterday.

See rucker, ruck, owned, spanked, smoked, destroyed, murdered


someone who rocks out

man, you're one cool rucker

See steph


A sexual position in which one bends over at the waist while standing in which your hands are placed together in a praying position and put between your legs.

Josh: I'm horny.

Katie: Then assume the Rucker, I'm gonna bang you rucker style.

See rucker, ruck, josh, katie, t.j.


1. acquiring heavy old American at ridiculously

low prices at ridiculously far away places and inserting them into a

loosely organized system of amateur arn haulers for multiple leg

transport back to the southern Georgia arn mecca. 2. to impart heavy

old arn with a type of horizontal gravity.

I simmethed the old bandsaw and ruckered it from Oregon.


A person hospitalised with a foreign body trapped in their rectum.

Derived from rectum + fucker.

"Big day in the rucker ward today: a gerbil, a light bulb, two lemons and a Barbie doll!"

See anal, fuck, gerbilling, masturbation, ruck


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