Rude Girls

What is Rude Girls?


Very loud, very hard (usually black) girls living in the shittest areas of London (particularly Tottenham and Wood Green). They are what most pikeys and townies aspire to be, ie. they wear only large gold jewellery, crap designer clothes off the market BUT actually are hard-as-fuck and start on people for such crimes as having got on a bus that they're on or walking down a street. They're main preoccupation is sucking their teeth (also known as kissing their teef), this indicates that something has made them feel cross, and since everything that ever happens pisses them off they do it all day long. They also start every sentence with the words: 'Oh my gosh man'.

Oh my gosh man, did you see the way that fool crossed da road man, I is gonna batter 'im


Rude girls, are alot like rude boys exept they have female genitalia. They dress like sluts and wear more sovereign rings than they have fingers.

There are 3 main types of rude girl:

1) The pregnant ones

2) The ones tht act like blokes.

3) The gangsta wannabes


1.) These rude gals are around the ages of 11-16 they are obviously up the duff and are not affraid to show it. They still dress like slappers and wear shitloadz of tacky "gold" jewllery either from argos, costing a fiver a piece, or stolen. They are seen mostly in places like bus stops, street corners, on the park or outside a shop. They are always seen with the "crew" or "posse" which consists of other 'rude' girls and boys. Includin the ones listed above. Despite their physical state, they still manage to get drunk and smoke, very responsible! 9 times out of 10 they wont know who the father is and if they do hes probably 25 with 4 other kids.

2.) The ones who act like blokes are normally the "hardest" They like to beat up people for crimes like, crossing the street or looking near them, sayin phrases such as, "you fuckin startin or summat?" and "Ye cum on then Ill fuckin batter ya!" They act like blokes because theyve already beaten up their female friends and therefore have only got lads to be mates with although theyve probly slept with all of them about 6 times anyway. They all smoke weed because they think it makes them "cool" and they drink 20-20 or £2 vodka that they got from aldi. These, although act and dress like male "rudes" av most likely been pregnant at least 4 times before.

3.) Gangsta wannabe rude girls are the ones that try to be like the above but just arnt. Theyre not "ard" but like to think it and are usually also slags that wear short skirts (if u can call them skirts) and tops that look like they were made for a 5 yr old. They wear shitloads of stolen and naf makeup and so many "gold" chains that it weighs them down.

1.) (Pregnant 1)

"Ye omg giv saves on that joint, here old my lite of vodka cuz ma babys kickin again, feel it!!?

2.) (bloke one)

"Oi u fuckin twat, u startin? wanna fight cuz ill fuckin batter ya! I seen u lookin near me! U better watch yasen Ill get u shot."

3.) (wannabe)

"yo wassup look at ma new chain, 8oz! Propper gold anall, not tht shitty stuff, nicked sum eyeshadow anall its green!" (ye the same colour as ur necks goin luv!)


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